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Sheltered Housing in Jokiniemi 

Preliminary design for a city plan 


 This sheltered housing block for the elderly by the Tikkurila train station in Jokiniemi, Vantaa, was designed according to the most recent studies in the field of assisted living. The design creates a framework that allows for the organic formation of communities and neighbourly assistance without forcing the inhabitants to act in any certain way. To counter the clinicality often associated with institutionalised life, every apartment is designed to become a home to its inhabitants. Should they fall ill, they can continue living in their own apartments, which can be upgraded to function as hospital care units. The design consists of a large housing block and a smaller sheltered housing unit with an atrium. The intensive assisted living units are located in the upper floors. 

The project has been purchased by the City of Vantaa. 


15 000 m²



Designer: Julia Hertell

Pro Helsingfors-prize 2013

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